MundialEU: preparatory works for a EUropean SPort event for social INclusion of migrants
Since 1999 Club Italia has been organizing a soccer tournament for migrants called “MundiaLido”, which has got to its 22nd edition: a not for profit cultural and sport event with 1.000 yearly participants aimed at promoting social inclusion for migrants and native.
Starting from the Italian expertise, the project “MundialEU” with a partnership of 5 grassroots sport organisations, coordinated by the sport club Club Italia, from 4 Eu Countries (AICS/Italy, SSO/Slovakia, HLA/Croatia and CSIT/Austria), aims at promoting skills and knowledge on how to design and manage not for profit inclusive sport events for migrants and natives through the implementation of guidelines addressed to coaches and managers of grassroots sport organisations. The project will engage 12 coaches and 5 managers of grassroot sport organisations in a specific training based on the “peer to peer” methodology and supported by 3 social inclusion experts and 3 international sport managers.
Moreover, during the second meeting in Rome, 35 Club Italia’s experts and technicians will involve the project’s participants in a “training on the field” experience in occasion of the MundiaLido event. In order to implement the guidelines and to spread at national level the project in each Country, a network composed of 10 local stakeholders active in the field of migration will be established according to a “multi-stakeholders” approach.
During the last transnational meeting, the skills and knowledge developed by coaches and managers will be evaluated and a final conference will be organized in Wien, involving 60 participants in order to present and disseminate the 2 main outputs of the project: MundialEU video and Guidelines. Throughout the project, a communication campaign will be realized in order to raise awareness about social inclusion of migrants through sport and to tackle racism and xenophobia.