„Play Flag Football“

– is a national scale project,  which goal is to motivate kids to be active. It connects school environment with sports experts to creates a platform, which provides teachers with useful know-how and support to help them to prepare good  quality PE classes. The project consist of high quality online tool,  several seminars for teachers, material and expert support and organisation of school tournaments. SSO cooperates on the project together with Slovak association of american football. The project is supported by Government office and Ministry of Education.

“Eco-friendly Sports”

– that aim to promote sport and physical activities that not only contribute to better health, but has also positive impact on environment, develop new methods of environmental education through sport and to increase amount of organized events like clean-up events, plogging, planting trees, birdhouse building, repair cafés etc. on local level. SSO cooperates on project together with ADEL Slovakia.

“SPort Education Against Radicalization”

– aim of the project isprevent radicalization of young people encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport by creating a network of 8 ambassadors that will reach young people in events at the local level using the Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology and will implement a set of awareness-raising actions online and sport events. SSO cooperates on project together with ADEL Slovakia.

“RISE – Roma Inclusion through Sport in Europe”

– aim of the project is to tackle discrimination, social exclusion and marginalization of Roma youngsters through exchanging of good practices, capacity building activities and the development and implementation of sport-based educational activities. SSO cooperates on project together with ADEL Slovakia.